Images are very important to me. They’re not only a nice illustration to the text — they could be the core of your post. I’ve tried many photo-blog platforms in the past and finally realized that WordPress is better in every way. That’s right, WordPress is capable to be a photo-blog. So in “Life is Simple” theme images are very well supported. Enough with the tiny pictures which needs a click to become bigger, now it’s time for qualitative images with a good size (upto 850px width at high screen resolutions).

This is the Rila Monastery in Bulgaria, a majestic place in the womb of the mountain. If you care.
DOMES. for sample

Another beautiful view from Bulgaria. Let’s enjoy this image with caption:

Saltwater. Sample photo with sample caption.

Pomorie Lake and the salt-pans of Pomorie. Sample photo with sample caption.

Now let’s see a thumbnail image aligned… erm, left, for example. In-text and perfect for paragraph illustrations.
Remember, the photos here are for demonstration only. They’re all taken by me and randomly selected.

FOLKFEST DANCING. sample image Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin nec nulla condimentum leo sodales hendrerit. Donec egestas odio odio, non tristique eros. Ut adipiscing rhoncus nisl nec molestie. Phasellus commodo commodo accumsan. Vivamus auctor tellus eu libero scelerisque in vestibulum nibh ultricies. Quisque eget orci tellus, a commodo sem. In euismod scelerisque sem, eu luctus metus pharetra in. Donec et arcu sapien, ut tempus magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed scelerisque elementum massa, at rutrum lectus vulputate vel. Donec ultrices nisl ut purus tristique sit amet euismod velit convallis. Vestibulum enim eros, fringilla id feugiat nec, egestas ut nisi. Etiam vitae mauris nisi, ac consequat nisi. Proin facilisis, lectus in tincidunt mollis, neque mi facilisis magna, vel ultricies sapien purus at lorem. Donec congue ornare metus in feugiat. Quisque viverra, dolor ac ornare semper, ligula sapien interdum erat, eu aliquet odio velit non magna. Donec laoreet nibh vitae mi tempus eget facilisis sem semper. Curabitur diam metus, vestibulum sed interdum vitae, elementum sed nibh. Proin accumsan tincidunt velit, a viverra elit ultricies id.